Simple Contract Language

Today, our understanding of smart contracts is based on nearly a decade of legacy implementations, where smart contract frameworks have traditionally been packaged and built into a native blockchain solution. The original belief was that smart contracts would be limited to processing transactions based on certain on-chain conditions. The original examples were basic condition-based processes where digital assets were transferred upon an agreement of conditions and rules, such as through votes on a DAO. However, we quickly saw developers using smart contracts to process on-chain transactions using off-chain data, as in the case of escrow contracts, resulting in the need for Oracles. Over time, smart contracts began to evolve far beyond their design, demonstrating their limitations.

SCL is the first smart contract modeling language that is UTxO chain and layer-agnostic. Think of it as a Smart Contract As A Service, where the coding standard and framework can be deployed on nearly any UTxO based distributed ledger technology, with a focus on the Bitcoin network (Layer 1). We disrupt the paradigm where smart contracts are pre-packaged products of a distributed ledger by decoupling this technology from a native blockchain solution and offering it as a standalone framework.

We initially demonstrate SCL's significant breakthrough using the Bitcoin Network while we expand onto additional layers, as SCL can operate on any first, second, third, or higher order UTxO-layer solution as an independent smart contract coding standard, providing it nearly unlimited potential use-cases including cross-chain integrations.

We imagine a future where new distributed ledger technologies are no longer needed to create and model their own smart contract solutions, but instead focus on developing the best possible tech and simply bolting on Dark Fusion SCL, cutting development times while gaining SCL’s quickly growing community of developers and projects.

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