Coin Drop Participation

Coin Drop Participation

Once you have setup and funded your wallet, you will then have the ability to participate in the fair distribution of SCL Coin Drops.

Step 1) Click on the "Coin Drop" button on the menu bar.

Step 2) This will then display a range of SCL developed tokens that you will be able to claim. You can either decide to claim all, or alternatively select the SCL tokens you would like to claim.

Step 3) After clicking on the "Claim All" button. This will then import the above contracts onto your dashboard page. You will then have to wait ~10 mins (subject to your fee choice) for these tokens to be in your wallet and tradable, however, these tokens will show as being in an unconfirmed state, ie:

NOTE: Should a situation arise where multiple users simultaneously claim the residual tokens in a Coin Drop within the same block, and the number of claimants exceeds the available tokens, the system is designed to equitably distribute the remaining tokens among these users on a pro-rata basis.

Last updated