Importing Contract

Importing Contract

In the event that another user mints a token contract, and you would like to interact with that SCL developed token, you will need to import the contract ID to your wallet.

Step 1) Click on "Import Contract" button on the menu bar.

Step 2) After clicking on "Import Contract", you will then need to input the Contract Server, and the Contract ID. If the token contract has been hosted by Dark Fusion, there will be a pre-populated contract server, so users would simply need to input the contract ID.

Step 3) After inputting the contract ID, you will then get a confirmation popup with the following information:

  • Ticker

  • Contract ID

  • Contract Server

  • Supply

  • Decimals

  • Type

After reviewing the contract details, you can then click on the "Confirm" button. This will then display the contract ID on your dashboard.

Step 4) This will then display the token ticker and your balance on the Dashboard page.

Last updated