

In order to buy (bid) for an asset through the Web Wallet, you will need to do the following:

Step 1) Click on the "Buy" button on the menu bar.

Step 2) This will display a range of assets that users are selling, and the amount of listings for the assets. If there are no assets for sale, the page will be blank.

Step 3) Click on the asset that you would like to buy. This will then display the current listings for that asset including the amount of tokens and the listing price.

Note: We will be bidding for MONG in this example.

Step 4) You will then need to choose how many tokens you would like to bid for, and also the bid price (price per token). This page will also display the total bids as well as the prices that other users have bid on the asset.

Step 5) After filling in the above information, you will then need to click on the "Bid Now" button. This will then display an overview of your bid and ask you to confirm. You will need to choose your transaction fee and then proceed by clicking on "Confirm".

Important Notes:

In the event that the lister accepts your bid, your assets will then be transferred at the agreed rate. If a lister does not accept your bid, you will then receive your BTC back that you submitted.

If a user partially bids on a listing, and the lister accepts, the lister will then need to resubmit their remaining amount if they would like to sell their full amount.

Last updated